Amandeep Kaur

SAIT students were attending the body stretching class (YOGA) in SAIT Campus. (Photo by Amandeep Kaur)

Exercises are the good way to maintain the healthy lifestyle as it keeps body fit. I from India where most of people do exercises in routine and they have to suffer from lot of health problems such as weak immune system, huge fat on stomach, heart attack and some more. when people give preference to do exercises on daily bases, they spend healthier lifestyle with disease free life.
In addition to physical and mental benefits, exercise can also increase longevity. Studies have shown that regular exercise can add years to your life by preventing chronic diseases and improving overall health. So, if you want to live a long and healthy life, exercise is key.This is not mandato- ry to do exercises at home, as people can plays their favourite games in order to maintain their health. Finding enjoyable activities is also key to making exercise a habit.
One reason for this is that exercise helps to maintain healthy body weight and improve cardiovascular health. Exercise also helps to strengthen bones and muscles, which can prevent falls and fractures in older adults. Additionally, exercise has been shown to improve immune function and reduce inflammation, both of which are important factors in preventing chronic disease. 
Finding enjoyable activities is also key to making exercise a habit. If you don’t like running on a tread- mill, try swimming or cycling instead. Experiment with differ- ent types of exercise until you find some- thing you enjoy, and then stick with it.
By setting achievable goals, finding enjoy- able activities, and overcoming barriers, anyone can make ex- ercise a habit and reap the rewards.

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